Have your car's turn signals stopped working? Did your rear backup lights go out suddenly? Does your car's sound system no longer turn on? Before you go out and replace any of these items, it may actually be fixed by replacing a very inexpensive part all on your own. An electrical component of your car failing can be from a fuse that has blown, and fixing it is simple.
Locate Your Fuse Box
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About A Semi-Trailer Truck That Jerks When It Is Driven
Driving a semi-trailer truck that jerks every now and then when you are in heavy traffic can lead to a bad collision. If you continue driving the truck without getting it examined to find out what the problem is, you might end up without the ability to use it at all if the transmission is bad. Below, discover things you should know about a semi-trailer truck with a transmission problem and how much you should expect to spend on repairs.
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The Timing Chain Versus The Timing Belt
The main similarity in the timing chain and a timing belt is that both parts rotate the camshaft. Both are visible when you open the hood, hidden behind metal or plastic timing covers. As the name states, they keep the camshaft in-time and safe no matter what conditions are evident in the engine. That is all the similarities, considering an average price of a timing-chain is $75 in comparison to an $800 belt-drive kit.
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3 Must-Do's Before Turning That Used Car Over To Your New Teen Driver
If you're like most parents, you have some concerns about your teen's safety now that they are licensed and ready to get behind the wheel alone. You don't have to sit idly by and cross your fingers for a safe journey when your teen is on the road – here are a few things you can do that will help ensure your teen's safety before handing over the keys to that used car:
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